But every CTGP user has the opportunity to enable the 'Ignorance is Bliss' system to block them, and to make a video for banning. Yes, some people will be able to activate cheats. I think now the CTGP Dolphin restriction need to belong to the past and definitely disappear. Nowadays most computers and laptops can run Dolphin easily in 60 FPS, in a few years anyone with a Smart Phone will be able to play Wii games. CTGP is the biggest mod here and the only one with custom game modes and an active online community to play with. We are in 2018, 10 years after the release of Mario Kart Wii, the game (and CTGP) is getting older days after days (but is still so active, which is a pleasure to see !). I'm here to discuss with all of you about the CTGP mod.